Friday, August 21, 2015

Nesting Season Winding Down

Many of the Wrightsville Beach Bird Stewards are beginning to feel like empty nesters.  The nesting season is winding down, but there are still lots of birds using the posting as they prepare for migration.

Least Terns 
It appears that the Least Terns have begun migration, with only a very few remaining at the nesting colony.  The Great Black Backed Gulls were feasting on some of our sweet chicks, so the parents may have determined that an early start on migration would be a good idea.  We wish them a safe flight and look forward to seeing them again next year!

Great Black Backed Gull (photo by Laura Scullin)

Black Skimmers
We still have lots of Black Skimmers at the colony with several new chicks!  On Tuesday, August 11 ninety-nine (99) Black Skimmer fledglings and ninety-one (91) Black Skimmer adults were counted.   A large number will continue to roost in the inlet area and the southern Wrightsville Beach posting until October.  The Black Skimmers seem to be staging to get ready for migration and will join other groups that migrate to our area in the next couple of months.

Two of our Bird Stewards noticed several very young Black Skimmer chicks just this past week.  The posting will remain in place to protect these little ones.  The practice is to leave the posting up for 2 weeks past the last chick fledging….unless something happens to that little chick.

(photo by Laura Scullin)
(photo by Laura Scullin)
(photo by Laura Scullin)
(photo by Laura Scullin)
(photo by Laura Scullin)
(photo by Laura Scullin)
(photo by Laura Scullin)
(photo by Laura Scullin)
(photo by Don Ellson)
(photo by John Sutton)
Successful skimming by a juvenile Black Skimmer
(photo by John Sutton)
(photo by John Sutton)

American Oystercatchers
A pair of Oystercatchers were seen roosting in the posting this past week.  The two banded juveniles were spotted on Wednesday night (8/12) so they are still in the inlet area. Yay!

The Common Terns appear to have begun migration.  We have had Royal Terns and Sandwich Terns roosting in the posting this week as well as one Gull Billed Tern. The Royal and Sandwich Terns nest on our river islands in the Cape Fear, so it is always a joy to see them up close on southern Wrightsville Beach!

Two Sandwich Terns hanging out with a Black Skimmer.
(photo by Don Ellson)
Sandwich Terns
(photo by John Sutton)

The last official Bird Walk for the Town of Wrightsville Beach was led Monday, August 10. But the Wrightsville Beach Bird Stewards will continue to monitor the area until the postings come down. And as migration season brings birds traveling along the Atlantic Flyway there will be lots to see!

(photo by Laura Scullin)

(photo by Laura Scullin)

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Skimmer Final Exams, Ruddy Turnstones Visit, & Bird TV Stars

The Black Skimmer juveniles are almost ready to be one their own.  Most have mastered flight and many are already "skimming". 

Successful season for beach nesting birds at Wrightsville Beach

Click on the link below to see the video from WECT.  It seems watching a 30 second advertisement is a prerequisite to viewing the clip:)

Successful season for beach nesting birds at Wrightsville Beach - WECT, weather & sports Wilmington, NC