Friday, June 14, 2013

Sun and Sand

I was on the beach yesterday from 9-12 in the morning and back from 6-8 in the evening. I watched in awe how the birds dealt with the hot sun and later the blowing sand. I also saw the Wilson's Plovers put in an appearance in the morning and an appearance of a new osytercatcher chick in the evening.

 The oystercatcher chicks continue to hang out by the shoreline.

In the 90+ degree heat they found ways to avoid the heat 
using the narrow shadow from one of our signs 
and hiding under a parent

 Wilson's Plovers

wind gusts were over 20 mph in the evening so the chicks took cover, closed their eyes, or just endured

 another set of oystercatcher parents had a chick on the beach last night

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