Sunday, July 28, 2024

Busy Times at South End of Wrightsville Beach

A Tender Moment
A minnow offering is being checked out by the Common Tern on the posting.
Photo by Stan Washlesky

Today’s blog and all photos below are composed by one of the Wrightsville Beach Bird Stewards who is also a phenomenal photographer.  Camille Daniels loves being a bird steward.  As you enjoy her photos please remember all pictures were taken with telephoto lens and cropped.  It is important to stay back from the postings. Be careful where you step.  The chicks and the eggs blend in with the sand as you will see in her pictures.

Black skimmer chicks - ALL ages 

Changing up sitting on the next

Good parents

Feed me!

Black Skimmers chick

Can you find the 5 Black Skimmer chicks?

Black Skimmer skimming. You can see the trail behind him from the skim

Observation from WBBS Camille Daniels…
 “I usually see them dipping, but this guy kept skipping. See the trail.”

Other terns. 

Common Tern

Two Royal Tern parents and fledglings with a Sandwich tern and fledgling

Look to the right… 

Common Tern 

We thank everyone who visits and helps us keep the sanctuary safe by keeping your respectable distance from the birds as they struggle to keep their eggs and chicks safe. 

We hope to see you at one of our weekly FREE bird walks every Monday from 9 to 11 AM. Meet at the gazebo at Access 43 on Wrightsville Beach.

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